How To Be Your Own Boss Working From Home – 7 Steps To Freedom

Do you want to know how to be your own boss while working from home?

We are fortunate to live in a time and a world that offer more than enough opportunities to work for ourselves. What makes it even better is that you can achieve this goal from anywhere. Working from home, while travelling, studying or even starting it as a hobby or side-hustle.

It really does not matter.

What matters most is having the passion and desire to keep feeding your commitment. That means, believing in you and your purpose.

Here are 7 steps to follow, beginning today!

Step 1 – Start Being a Better Boss to Yourself

A cobbler never as a good pair of shoes.”

Have you ever heard that saying? It is not applicable to only shoemakers but to each one of us.

Think about what you do and how you apply your talents, learning and skills to your own growth and development. We are all guilty of that, preferring to extend our services and care to others before directing them towards our own needs and wants.

Parents are especially guilty of this when it comes to their children. 

Whenever I travel, (which seems like a dream in these times), I always reflect on the words of the Flight Attendant who reminds us to “put on your mask first, before you help your children.”

That is with good reason and requires a change of mindset.

You may not live to help your child or anyone else for that matter if your mask is off and you are not receiving the oxygen that you need to stay alive.

To be a Boss, start by being a good Boss to yourself. Pay attention to your needs, understanding, training, learning, organisation, tools and resources.

Give yourself what you need in your new chosen profession.

Step 2 – Explore Your Talents

You are going to need some paper and pencils for this exercise. I enjoy using large sheets of paper, a variety of coloured post-it notes and a box of pencils!!

Find a quiet space and put aside your best quiet hours – maybe 3 to 4. You will be surprised how quickly time will fly by for you. 

Cassi Of Troy Talent Defined

Wikipedia defines talent as:

Breaking this definition down even further, you begin to understand that your talent is much more about what you can do, or rather, what you are good at. It refers to your abilities.

An effective exercise to help you realise your talents is to take a walk through your life and list down all the things that you have done. Go all the way back to childhood, if you can, and list everything that you have ever done or tried to do in your life.

What you are starting here is a talent assessment for yourself.

Ask yourself some questions, such as:

Cassi Of Troy What Are My Talents

As you go through this exercise, you will begin to see similarities emerging. There may be commonalities throughout your life. You may also notice that you keep going back to things after delayed periods.

These are signs of your interest and perhaps your underlying passions as well. Keep exploring and see what emerges.

Step 3 – List Your Interests and Hobbies

This follows on from the previous exercise. Make a list of all of your interests and hobbies.

As a child, many things interested me and I was always encouraged to try different hobbies. I think it was my parents’ way of keeping me occupied as I was an only child and a very curious one at that.

Swimmer Doing the Butterfly Stroke

I learned to swim, read profusely, raced with a neighbour’s bicycle, explored the nearby forest, built amazing snowmen, played rugby and basketball, recited poetry, joined the school choir.

At the age of 9, I received my first camera and that opened my eyes to a different view of the world. I became fascinated with observing people and capturing them unexpectedly. Sometimes I got my friends to pose so I could understand things like lighting and perspectives.

Interests and hobbies are avenues to remarkable opportunities for business and lifestyle. 

Step 4 – Define Your Legacy

Your legacy is created through the vision you have for your life. It does not stop at a vision though. You must implement what is required to make it happen.

Creating a legacy contributes to generational upliftment and can be very empowering. Most of us would like to know that our efforts and what we are building will serve our loved ones in good stead and help them to step up and into better lives and lifestyles.

As your own Boss, you have the power to define the life and lifestyle that you want. You do not have to accept anyone else’s limitations.

The proviso is that you are prepared to work towards achieving what you define your legacy to be. It cannot be left to chance or placed in the hands of anyone else.

As children, we were driven by the legacy that our grandparents and parents worked hard to achieve. Both of my parents were entrepreneurs and travellers. Because of what they created, I have been able to enjoy a good life and am now stepping up in that legacy for my daughter.

Although she is only 11 years old, she supports me in our business and, when her time allows, she works and receives her rewards, both tangible and intangible. She appreciates what it takes to create the life that you want.

Step 5 – Explore Creative Ways to Work From Home

If there is one thing the 2020 global pandemic has shown us, it is that almost anything could be done from the comfort of your home. And I mean ANYTHING!

Just in case you are finding yourself challenged to find your talents and skills to start your online goals and objectives, here are just a few that you may want to consider:


With the current pandemic resulting in many people having to rethink and retool, it means that they may also have to seek new or alternative employment. An updated resume will come in handy. How about learning how to creatively market others with 21st-century resumes?

Resumes are no longer dull, black and white. The demand for creativity to showcase your difference and stand out begins here and people all over the world are in need of help.


Have you ever thought about writing a book?

The world of self-published authors is booming right now. With a simple idea or an experience that turned your life around, you could become a highly sort-after author.

Best of all, sites like Kindle Direct Publishing make it easy, free and profitable.


My online lifestyle started as a Copywriter. I came across an article from the American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) in 2015 (similar to the one below) and immediately enrolled in their Accelerated Copywriting Course.

It changed my life and helped me to diversify my income as I expanded my online business.

Today, I have 8 streams of passive income and I am enjoying a lifestyle that many people only dream of.

Step 6 – Find a Coach or Mentor

This is one of the most undervalued aspects of building a business online and becoming your own boss. Although, I really do not think that you will ever get to the point of truly being “your own boss”.

Boxing Coach Training the Boxer Ringside

Having walked the path to this juncture, I could not have achieved any of the success that I now enjoy without a Mentor, Coach or community to support me.

Being your own at-home boss can be lonely at times. If you are not accustomed to working on your own, it could be challenging. Having access to someone or, better yet, a group of people who can give you a push when you need it or help you work through a difficult situation or a problem is a must-have.

I was very fortunate to find a Mentor in October 2019. He led me to an online community of over 2 million members around the world who were experienced and aspiring Content & Affiliate Marketers.

Step 7 – Start Training and Implementing

Never, in my more than 30 years of global organisational experience have I ever experienced a community like Wealthy Affiliate.

I started for FREE and after 6 months of training and learning, I graduated with my Online Entrepreneur Certification and became an Ambassador, ranking amongst the Top 15 Affiliate Marketers in the world.

There are so many opportunities to learn and acquire new skills on the internet. Many of them are FREE and require only a cell phone to follow along.

That is how I got started.

What always gets to me though is the fact that while there is so much available to us online, many people get started and fail to take action. 

Execution and implementation are the key to success, not just online but with anything that you do.

As a Coach and Mentor, working with my clients to get them to take action is my number 1 activity, even when they are gifted with FREE opportunities.

I cannot stress that enough.

Take Your 7 Steps to Freedom Today

The pandemic shows no signs of letting up. It has created a new normal for us. A new way of living, earning, learning and achieving. 

There so many opportunities to work on your own time, in your own way and with unlimited potential for earning. This IS the best time.

These 7 steps are not at all difficult to take BUT remember: “Every journey begins with a single step.” You have to start. You have to hold yourself accountable if you are serious about becoming your own boss.

You have to be committed.

Do you want to become your own boss? Working from home and enjoying a lifestyle of freedom?

Click here to get started and join me on this amazing journey!

About The Author

Cassandra Patrovani, Cassi Of Troy Founder


Founder, Cassi Of Troy

I currently live in my Birth Country, Trinidad, and I am the proud mother of a charming 11-year old. A very talented Dancer, Ballerina, Moko Jumbie and Swimmer. As an Entrepreneur, I have started businesses in New Zealand, the USA and here in Trinidad. I have lived and worked all over the world – England, USA, Africa, New Zealand, Central America, (to name a few).

We LOVE! to travel and explore cultures.

In October 2019, after drifting around the internet, I launched my Digital Entrepreneur Footprint with Wealthy Affiliate. Today I manage 3 profitable websites, coach other Digital Entrepreneurs, design training programs to strengthen the personal leadership required for business and, educate my daughter through travel and other human and cultural experiences.

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