Can Someone Really Make A Living From Writing A Blog?

Four (4) years ago, if anyone had asked me: “Can someone REALLY make a living from writing a Blog?!”, I would have shrugged my shoulders and replied: “Maybe.” Back then, I was at the end of my corporate tether. I had felt for some time I was treading water without a branch in sight to hold on to. … Read more

How To Build A Profitable FREE Affiliate Website

If you are reading this, you are probably where I was 2 or 3 years ago. You want to learn how to build a profitable FREE Affiliate website, understand the online business “thing” and get started. You may have tried other platforms and lived through the promises of success and quick earnings. For whatever reason(s), … Read more

What Does ‘Find Your Niche’ Mean?

What Does ‘Find Your Niche‘ Mean? ‘Find your niche‘ means to decide on what segment of a market you want to build your business around. It is a specialised area that has its own unique characteristics. As you highlight these characteristics, you are able to attract unique customers for your products or services. Finding your … Read more

How Do Single Moms Afford Daycare?

How Do Single Moms Afford Daycare? How do single moms afford daycare, especially during these challenging times? It is a matter of prioritising, fierce budgeting and more often than not, a lot of personal sacrifices. Of course, you can also create flexible, passive and sustainable income sources. It requires resilience and determination but it is … Read more

How Can You Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money?

How Can You Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money? The truth is that there are many ways you can start Affiliate Marketing with no money. However, while they will get you started, in time, you will need to invest money in yourself and your business to grow and achieve any meaningful success. Affiliate Marketing is … Read more

How Much Money Can You Make From Website Traffic?

How Much Money Can You Make From Website Traffic? I am always asked: “How much money can you make from website traffic?” Quite frankly, there is no limit to what you can earn. What will determine your income is how much traffic you have and how you diversify your income streams with your traffic. Good … Read more

How Long Does It Take To Set Up A Blog?

How Long Does It Take To Set Up A Blog? It depends on whether you are referring to a beginner or a seasoned blogger to answer how long does it take to set up a blog. For a beginner, anywhere from a day or 2 and for someone more seasoned and experienced, it could be … Read more

Can You Really Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate?

Can You Really Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate? I am living proof that you can really make money with Wealthy Affiliate (WA) and it is my pleasure to share what I have been able to achieve with you. My goal is to help you get to know what is possible from someone who is actually … Read more

Is Wealthy Affiliate Any Good? 7 Key Things To Help You Decide

Is Wealthy Affiliate Any Good? If you are wondering whether Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is any good, chances are that you are where I was 3 years ago. You are tired of the 9 to 5 grind, an unfulfilling lifestyle and you think that creating an online business is the way to go? Wealthy Affiliate IS … Read more