How To Live Well And Work Well

This past year, world events have highlighted the importance of life and work. So many people are now more concerned than ever about how to live well and work well.

Being locked at home, concerned about your health and being able to provide for yourself and your family can create a lot of distress. The good news is that there are ways to ensure that you safeguard yourself, your earnings and your health.

You are not alone and you can find the support that you need to place and keep your life on a solid footing.

Here are  6 ideas for you to consider.

Find What You Love

I am not talking about finding a job.

There is an old saying that if you find work that you love, you will never work another day in your life again. That holds true to this day. Perhaps more so.

The best way to do this is to think about what makes you most happy. What brings you the greatest joy?

How To Work Well And Live Well

For many of you, it may not be the work that you are doing currently. If it was, you would not be researching work opportunities on the internet!

A good starting point would be to consider what you would be prepared to do for free. If you had a choice, money being out of the equation, all your needs and wants being met, what would you be happy doing?

For me, it is a few things:

  • photography
  • writing
  • travel
  • time with my daughter
  • reading
  • sports

The ultimate happiness for me would be travelling the world with my daughter exploring places and cultures and writing about people’s lifestyles.

This would marry all the things that bring me the greatest joy and happiness and also give me an opportunity to continue to educate my daughter in real-time.

Have a Vision for Your Life

I started to do Vision Boards in the late 90s while living in New Zealand. I was going through a lot of transformation in my life back then. In an effort to figure out what I wanted to do with, and in, my life, I learned how to crystallize my thoughts and feelings using pictures.

Back then I would collect magazines and random images and use them to create a picture for my life and my future. Every year it would change because I would have achieved what I set out to do.

How To Live Well And Work Well

It was through this yearly activity that I realised how important being happy in my work was to me. For me, they had to be seamless and I was determined to create a path to achieve that.

It did not happen right away. I continued to travel, returned to my birth country, went to work as an employee, got married, had my daughter.

All along though, I was always doing something to get me to the point where I could go it on my own. My vision was always with me.

Today, I am an international Management Consultant, Online Entrepreneur and Coach to thousands around the world.

Travelling has been put on hold for now but as soon as the global environment settles, I know that we will be on our way and living our vision.

Do Something Every Day

I am not sure what created such a drive in me to focus so intently on my vision for my life but I never let it die. Regardless of the situation I faced, I always made sure to do something each day to keep my dream alive.

Whether it was reading a book, listening to music or learning of some kind, I was always working on it. It may have seemed that I had put it aside but I never did.

Whenever an opportunity presented itself, I took it because it was a step closer to where I wanted to be. As this video shows you have to work for your dreams:

I took courses on photography, I travelled, I learned how to write and I invested in learning other skills that could serve me well when I travelled such as teaching English as a foreign language. I started my own management consulting firm and established a presence in New Zealand, the Caribbean and the USA.

In 2016, as the weariness of corporate life started to really get to me, I began to invest my time and energies online. I did a lot of research about becoming an online entrepreneur and working online.

After 3 years, I discovered a community that would embrace me and provide me with the opportunity to learn, grow, find my wings and soar within this almost 5 billion global network.

It would not have happened if I had stopped believing in my dreams and working towards achieving them.

Keep Learning

From as young as I can remember, I have been learning – formally and informally. Learning has less to do with your academic pursuits and more to do with your self-awareness and the risks that you take in life.

When you work for an organisation, your knowledge is directed towards what is required for the job and what the organisation thinks is best for you to know. It does not often take what YOU want to know, learn and do into consideration.

If you are in Human Resources, that’s what you will be directed towards. But, what if your vision is to become your city’s best baker?

Well, that dream will get pushed aside because, more than likely, your time will not permit you to invest in your own learning and development.

After the daily to and fro commute, the long days at work, the time needed to care for your family and your home, there is little left for YOU to pursue YOUR vision.

How to live well and work well

Always remember that anything you want to learn is right there with you on the internet, anytime that you can fit it into your schedule.

Use your phone to watch a lesson during lunchtime or listen to a podcast during your commute. Slip in a YouTube video while you are running errands or working out at the gym.

Whatever you do, never stop learning!

Take Some Risks

It can be tough going it alone when you are pursuing your dreams, making sacrifices and going through the changes that are necessary.

Not everyone will understand or believe in what you are doing. We have been conditioned into believing that the only way to succeed is to get a job, work hard for someone else, accept whatever they hand to you and be thankful for that.

The financial collapse of 2008 and the recent global events have taught us otherwise though.

Millions of people around the world lost their jobs and their lives. Those who survived had to find a way to create an income for themselves.

Those who had already taken risks and invested in learning how to earn on the internet were miles ahead and able to capitalize on the global shutdown. Almost everything from learning to spending happen via the internet.

Freelancing, outsourcing, communication, earning via the internet have all been given more respect.

Diversify Your Income

The internet offers unlimited possibilities and more potential than you can ever imagine.

In 2019, I launched 2 internet businesses and because of their success, I launched another in 2020. My market niches are personal development, making money online, coaching online entrepreneurs and content and affiliate marketing.

I earn income, consistently across 8 income sources currently. I intend to diversify even further in 2020 and add another 2, maybe 3 income sources. They are all lucrative and will continue to grow.

By the end of this year, I will begin to outsource some of my business activities as I scale and deepen my online presence.

It has been a challenging journey. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme and I know I am not running a sprint.

It takes time.

I do know though, that I would never have been able to enjoy the success I do today and have so many income streams growing with me as I move into the future.

My retirement – whatever that is – is secure and I know that I can achieve anything I want to, wherever our travels may take us across the globe.

Living and working well is no longer a dream.

It is what we enjoy, every day.

Do you want to change your life and learn how to live well?

Click on the photo below:

How To Live Well And Work Well

Cassandra Patrovani

This is home to two (2) world-travelling, youthful, life-loving and committed Caribbean women – Cassi, a Baby Boomer Dragon Gemini preparing to transition into being a full-time Digital Entrepreneur/Writer/Photographer and, Zafi, a Generation Alpha Tiger Aquarian who has already found her life passion in the realm of dance and music.

Together, we discovered Affiliate Marketing and now enjoy building and growing our lives full of genuine community, learning, support, networking and earning – on our terms and at our leisure.

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